
The Fresh Water Fishing Club has over 300 members eager to go fishing and learn more about fishing in Florida. The club’s purpose is to bring together people who want to fish and to provide a venue for doing so. It is not just for those who have fished all their lives, but for any skill level.

Membership is restricted to Villages residents only.

Initial membership is $20 which includes a name badge. Yearly renewal is $10.

The club is active in community events, including the Spring Outdoor Expo and the kid’s annual fishing derby which is part of the Summer Villages Intergenerational program.
The club endeavors to:

  • Develop and improve skills in fresh water fishing and related activities.
  • Organize 8 monthly fishing outing/picnics each year.
  • Be a source of information and instruction.
  • Promote conservation ethics with regard to a “catch and release” of game fish where appropriate.
  • To actively support state and federal legislation or regulations which serve to protect or improve our natural resources




President: Jamie Fowler, 307- 214-9191

Vice President: Jim Jones 541-699-6314

Treasurer: Len Durcholz, 812-827-3899

Secretary: John Schwartz 619-218-5718

Feb Schwartz 2


Chip Austin

Bill Gorman

Jim Frees


Jim Strange

Greg Surrett

Jim Greene


Randy DiSanto

Steve Felix, Fishing Trip Organizer, (352) 753-5221, Cell (608) 780-0598 Email sfelixlax@aol.com
Membership Chairman: Larry Griffin 352-391-8334
Program Chairman: Bob Knorr 352 636-6515
Webmaster: Jerry Lester 352-358-1214


Click here to see Club Bylaws


The Freshwater Fishing Club (Hereinafter the “Club” along with its officer, directors, employees, and related entities, assumes no liability for injuries to individuals or damage to property which occurs during any activities or events sponsored, supported, organized, undertaken, or related to the Club. Participants in any activities or events sponsored, supported, organized, undertaken or related to the Club do so at their own risk: assume all liability for any damages, costs or fees resulting directly or indirectly from such participation: and agree to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the Club and its officers, directors, employees, and related entities from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, or proceedings arising from or related to any and all Club Activities or events.



Jerry Lester or Rob Husson : Leave a message in any “Leave a Reply” box on any page.

Fish Of The Month submissions to: Rob Husson, (email) rob1950@hotmail.com, (text) 603-289-2066