What has become the Freshwater Fishing Club’s biggest event of the year actually started five years ago this month. On November 8th, 2016 the guest speakers at our monthly meeting were local guide Grady Maynard, and Pro angler Tim Frederick. Both shared a wealth of information with those in attendance and the club extended the invitation to return. When the meeting adjourned we headed to the parking lot for a final chat session before heading home. In that conversation Tim Frederick commented on the fact that many of us fish locally by golf cart and that he would like to come back sometime and do a little fishing with us. Well that comment started the wheels turning. Now how cool would it be to fish with and learn from a Pro? After months of planning the club made Tim an offer that he just couldnt refuse. We not only offered him the opportunity to come here and fish but to make it interesting it would be a friendly competition. The decision was made to make it a two team event, a “Pro” team and a team made up of club members. The event would be appropriately named the “Pro Challenge” After nearly a year of planning and scheduling, names were drawn and teams selected at the October 2017 monthly meeting. The inaugural event was held on October 13th, 2017 and with just a 5 ounce difference in total weight the club team took the win. Results: Club team 8lbs. 0oz. “Pro” team 7lbs. 11oz. Now would this be just a one time thing? Not if Tim has anything to do with it. He not only offered to return but to make things even more interesting he would arrange to have a second “Pro” join in. Being a man of his word Tim arranged to have “Pro” angler Shaw Grigsby head up a second “Pro” team for 2018. Now here’s where things get even better. When we sent our proposal to John Rohan, Director Of Recreation, his immediate response was “I want in” and I will put together a fourth team made up of members of The Villages Recreation Dept. The second annual event was held on November 15th, 2018 with Tim Frederick’s team the victors.
In 2019, a third “Pro” Trevor Fitzgerald was added, the club team was eliminated giving all members a chance to fish with a “Pro” and the Recrecreation Dept. again assembled a team. The third event was held on November 12th, 2019 and for the second time team Frederick came out on top.
Now that brings us to this years event. Due to a wrist injury Shaw Grigsby was unable to fish this time but Pro angler Jeff Fitts stepped right up to take his place.

Jeff Fitts, Trevor Fitzgerald, Tim Frederick

At the November 9th meeting each of the Pros drew three lucky numbers making up their team.

Tim Frederick, Chip Austin, Lou Benasutti, Jan Windscheffel, Rich Haessley


John Schwartz, Jim Frees, Trevor Fitzgerald, Rich Maslowski, Bill Vockell


Jeff Fitts, Len Durcholz, Mike Haessly, Jim Geiger, Steve Laky


Ryan Gerrity, Jim Pierce, Tracy Whitten, Steve Felix

Each team was issued event caps, rules, maps and scales and each team was assigned a scorekeeper.
The 4th “Pro Challenge” was held on November 10th, 2021 and with a 18lb. 13oz. best five fish total weight, team Frederick picked up a third win.
We were very fortunate once again to have professional photographer Ron Pearce attend and photograph this years event. To see his outstanding work Click Here  Additional photos were provided by FFC members Jim Jones, Jamie Fowler, Click Here  and Club President Randy DiSanto.
The Results Of This Years Event:
1st Place with a Best 5 Fish Total weight of 18lbs. 13oz.
Team Frederick (Total Caught 7)
2nd Place with a Best 5 Fish Total weight of 16lbs. 5oz.
Team Fitzgerald (Total Caught 13)
3rd Place with a Best 3 Fish Total weight of 3lbs. 13oz.
Team Fitts (Total Caught 3)
4th Place with a 1 Fish Total weight of 1lb. 11oz
Villages Recreation Department (Total Caught 1)
The total number of fish caught this year was 24 having a combined weight of 59lbs. 4oz.
Tim Frederick’s 5lb. 13oz. catch was the biggest of the day.

Members of the winning team were presented a commemorative plaque. The Recreation Department also provided a certificate for a guided fishing trip on Lake Sumter. 

Winning Team Plaque

We would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to all who participated in this years event.

Rob Husson

It’s A Numbers Thing

Even when the fishing is slow, FFC member Wayne Barksdale always has a good story to tell. Here is his latest report:

“Fished Griffin this morning solo. Got a late start..around 7.30.started off with Green pumpkin horny toad. Caught 5 nice 2 and 3lbs. Went to my junebug speed worm and caught 6..about the same size but they were in the dollar pads. At 10.30am I was tired. Little wind and getting hot. On my way back to the boat dock I stopped at pretty much a community hole. It had a nice patch of dollar pads and about 3 feet of water. As usual I had 15lb fluorocarbon carbon line. A one eighth ounce line. Still with my speed worm. When this bass hit it was a heavy hit. I set the hook and she went straight into the heavy grass. I had to troll over to her and pulled straight up. When she got to the top the grass fell off of her and she made a run to the back of the boat. My line wrapped around the power pole. I had to go to the back of the boat and as usual I took a hard fall. Banged up a bit but okay.

Lucky Catch

Too my surprise the Bass was still hooked up.i think both of us were ready to get this over with and I had no problem lifting her in the boat .took a couple of fast selfies..made sure I got the whole Bass in the picture and she had no problem swimming away. 8lb 15oz..I am trying to figure out if 15oz is good luck or bad luck”

Wayne Barksdale / 8lbs 15oz. / Lake Griffin

Now here’s the numbers explanation. For those who follow this site you probably remember the article about the number seven being lucky. (August 2020)  In that story Wayne is shown holding his 7lb. 2oz. catch taken on 7-2 (July 2nd) Well it appears that Wayne has upped the lucky number to fifteen. This past September Wayne reported a 9lb. 15oz. catch with the same 15lb. fluorocarbon line!! You just can’t make this stuff up. WTG Wayne. One more “Fish Of The Month” pin headed your way.

Fish Of The Month Pin

Now this next story is for anyone who hasn’t purchased tickets for the upcomimg “Pro Challenge” Check it out. On October 23rd, FFC member Len Dursholz reported this 5lb. 6oz. Villages pond Bass.

Len Dursholz / 5lbs 6oz. / Villages Pond

A Texas rigged watermellon worm got the job done and this beauty was safely released. The location will remain unnamed but listen up, Its on the list of ponds to be fished during the “Pro Challenge” (November 10th)  Just Sayin’
One last report came from FFC member Larold Lodholz. Here’s a nice catch of St. Johns River Crappie that was taken on October 20th.

Crappie Catch / St. Johns River

The biggest of seven measured 14″ long and tipped the scales at 1lb. 12oz.

Thanks to all who reported and sent in pics. Keep them coming.

Rob Husson

NOTE: To stay on top of what others are doing just click on the tab marked “Fishing Forums” at the top of this page and sign up. There is a page for reporting your catch, general topics, and kayak fishing.