It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This

On March 9th I received a email from FFC member Tom Spade. The subject line read “Another Day At The Office” so I really wasn’t expecting to read anything special. The story that followed sounded more like commentary from a WWE Smackdown event than a relaxing day on the water. Fishing a Jerkbait on Lake Harris, Tom got an unexpected surprise. After several failed attempts including the net going overboard  this 16 lb. Longnose Gar finally made it to the boat. A memorable catch for sure.

Tom Spade / Longnose Gar / Lake Harris

A second March 9th report came from FFC member John Barksdale. This 8lb. Rodman Res. beast was the largest catch of the day with several more in the 7-1/2lb range.

John Barksdale / 8lbs / Rodman Res.

At mid month it was looking like things were starting to quiet down. Finally on the 20th things started picking up with FFC member Dean Law reporting a 8lb. 7oz Villages pond Bass taken with a Z-Man Jackhammer and Manns Jelly Worm trailer.

Dean Law / 8lbs. 7oz. / Villages pond

A second report from Dean came on the 31st.

Dean Law / 8lbs. 14oz / Freedom Point

This 8lb. 14oz. Bass was taken at Freedom Point with a 1/2 oz. Colorado spinnerbait and paddle tail trailer. Just for the record, both fish were taken late afternoon and early evening.

A final report came from FFC member Roz Marie Krawiec. Roz has been a regular at the monthly fishing clinics and on a guided trip with Capt, Zack Slankard she put her skills to work. On her very first cast this 7lb. Lake Yale beauty took her offering.

Roz Marie / 7lbs. / Lake Yale

Biggest fish of the day and a trip to remember. WTG Roz!!

Fish Of The Month Pin

Fish of the month pins will be presented at the April meetings.

Email your “Fish Of The Month”submission to Rob Husson at